With Popular Direct Select Savings, you get a high-yield savings account that can help you grow your online savings. Put your money to work today.
Popular Direct Select Savings $100 minimum deposit.
Account details and disclosures
Sign in to our Online and Mobile Banking tools to review and manage your account anytime, anywhere from your computer or mobile device.
How long will it take to reach your savings goal? We've created this tool to help you calculate your earnings over time.4
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Access your account 24/7 from desktop or mobile.
We are a member FDIC institution.
We make savings simple. Our competitive rates deliver real returns. Apply for a Popular Direct Select Savings account and start saving today.
A savings account is best suited to customers who need only limited access to the money that they deposit. As compared to checking accounts, savings accounts generally have much higher interest rates.
To qualify for the Popular Direct Select Savings, you must: (1) open a new Popular Direct Select Savings account, (2) deposit a minimum of $100 in new money (deposits not previously held with Popular Direct), and (3) comply with any other requirements under Account Opening (link to disclosure).
You can view our current Popular Direct savings rates and apply for an account online. If you would like more details about applying, please view our application walkthrough.
You can view our Popular Direct Select Savings Product Guide for more information. You can also view our Savings Calculator to see how we can help you meet your savings goals.
For legacy product help, please refer to the product guide that you used when opening your account. If you no longer have access to that product guide or would like further clarification, please contact our Customer Care Center via phone or secure message.
The variable rate is determined by several factors, including when and how the Federal Reserve Bank changes its interest rates.
You may view our current savings rates on our website.
The standard deposit insurance coverage limit is $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category.
Please visit FDIC.gov for more information about the types of deposit products that are covered by FDIC insurance and the amount of deposit insurance coverage that may be available under FDIC’s different ownership categories.
A “Popular Direct Select Savings” account requires a $100 minimum opening deposit in new money. New money is defined as deposits not previously held with Popular Direct.
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