Use Apps to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution.


For many people who make New Year's resolutions each year, the New Year seems like an excellent time to push the reset button. But, according to the U.S. News approximately 80 percent of New Year's resolutions made each year are abandoned. In fact, most people give up on their self-improvement goals just two months into the year.

We can do better than this, and now there's technology designed to help.

One of technology's greatest strengths is its ability to help people accomplish things faster and easier. You already use technology to do things like shop, order food and book rides. Now you can tackle your goals using technology, whether you wish to minimize stress, grow your savings, or get fit. Whatever you hope to achieve, here's to making it happen in 2018, and here are ways that apps can help:

  1. Manage your money, your way, with digital banking.1
    • If you're a Popular Direct customer and you haven't downloaded our app yet, you could be missing out. The Popular Direct app gives you the power of a branch at your fingertips, so you can manage your account(s) from wherever you are.

  2. Track your money and grow your savings.
    • Money management apps, such as Mint®2, can connect to all your financial institutions, making it easier to track your finances in one centralized loation. Through Mint®2, you can see where you spend money, track and pay bills, and set savings goals.

  3. Minimize stress.
    • The Happify App2 claims to take a scient-based approach to happiness, starting users with an assessment test to measure current "hapiness score." Happify uses the information gathered during the test to create a personalized program designed to boost happiness using games, tools, and coaching. By helping you change perspective and focus on positive, Happify can contribute to long-term stress reduction and increased happiness.

  4. Get Healthy.
    • Calorie-counting apps, such as MyFitnessPal, make it easy to measure your calorie intake and count calories on the go. You can even scan barcodes to add packaged foods and add custom recipes for meals that you make on a regular basis.

  5. Mediate more.
    • For practiced meditators and newbies, alike, medidation apps like The Mindfullness App2 offers guided and silent meditation sessions ranging from three to 30 minutes, so you can awlways fit in a quick mental vacation. Beyond meditation courses, The Mindfullness App also enables you to send mindfullness reminders and sign up to receive affirmations.

1. Standard mobile carrier charges and fees may apply. For more details, please refer to the Popular Bank Mobile Banking User Agreement and the Popular Direct Personal Banking Disclosure and Agreement.

2. Popular Bank is not affiliated with Mint, Happify, MyFitnessPal or The Mindfulness App.

All logos, trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

The information mentioned in this article is for informational purposes only, is intended to provide general guidance and does not constitute legal or professional advice. You should seek the advice of a professional advisor and/or legal counsel to address your specific needs regarding the issues related to your situation. Popular Bank does not make any representations or warranties as to the content contained herein and disclaims any and all liability resulting from any use of or reliance on such content.